Assessment and Exit Level
The assessment of the curriculum is spread over the different course units. For each course unit, the final competencies are assessed in a suitable and high-quality fashion. The course-specific learning outcomes contribute to one or more programme-specific competencies. The entire set of assessments determines whether or not the students acquire the general exit level of the study programme. The Programme Committee ensures a coherent assessment of the course-specific learning and the programme-specific learning outcomes. Whenever necessary, the study programme schedules (interim) feedback, coaching and remedial actions so that students achieve the intended exit level. Taking its cue from Ghent University’s assessment policy, the Programme Committee implements a suitable and challenging programme-specific assessment policy.
A Programme Committee ensures high-quality assessments at the (micro-)level of the course units (is the assessment in alignment with the course-specific learning outcomes and the teaching methods? Is there an offer of related professional development initiatives for lecturers?) and at the (meso-)level of the study programme (is their sufficient variation in assessment forms? Is the assessment at the programme level coherent? Is there a balanced assessment load per term? Are there feedback, coaching, and remediation amenities?) The Programme Committee has a clear idea of the expected starting level of newly enrolled students, monitors the students’ study progress and organises specific feedback, coaching and remediation initiatives to boost students’ academic success.
Shaping an assessment policy is a collaborative effort: it should involve students, lecturers, the Programme Committee and the faculty. Having an assessment policy is mandatory, at the level of the faculty and/or at the level of the study programme. If a Programme Committee decides to pursue a programme-specific assessment policy, it must ensure that it ties in with the assessment policies of the faculty and the university.
Assessment is used to determine whether students have achieved the intended learning objectives, both at the level of the individual course units and within the curriculum. In addition, it is a means to support and adjust the students’ learning process. Assessment provides crucial information about students’ progress in acquiring the intended knowledge, skills and attitudes. Lecturers can use that information for meaningful (interim) feedback to enhance their students’ learning process. It also helps them choose teaching and assessment methods that promote students’ academic success.
Installing high-quality assessments throughout the curriculum is therefore indispensable. It is the Programme Committee’s responsibility to do so. The Programme Committee lays down a vision endorsed by all the stakeholders, which fosters the quality of the assessments, (interim) feedback, coaching and remediation in the study programme. A well-considered policy containing clear programme-specific agreements and specific professional development initiatives for lecturers ensures an optimal student intake, study progress, and graduation of students.
Last modified Feb. 13, 2025, 9:04 a.m.