Competence Model for Education Support Services: What Competencies Are Acquired?

The Educational Quality Assurance Office's (DOWA) training offer for individual lecturers(-in-charge) aims at enhancing your teaching competencies. Among other things, it encompasses:  

  • educational competencies that Ghent University considers essential with regard to high-quality education. These competencies have been drawn up from a growth perspective and will be used in educational support as a basis for self-reflection and further development. They do not serve towards an assessment;
  • a non-exhaustive list of teaching competencies which is open to differentiation. Lecturers can choose to specialize in specific competencies and deepen their knowledge;
  • competencies that are based on the Dutch-Flemish Basic Qualification Profiles (in Dutch: Basiskwalificatie Onderwijs - BKO), the UK Professional Framework Standards for Higher Education Lecturers and Ghent University’s career policy for the professorial staff (in Dutch: ZAP).


Competency Area


1. Designing Education  

  • designing course units with an eye for their place in the curriculum and the relationship with other course units;

  • defining the final competencies of one’s course units, in alignment with the programme competencies, and policy  choices made at programme, faculty and university level;

  • creating a powerful learning environment that is at once well-suited to student population, didactic principles and policy choices;

  • developing “studiable” and research-based learning materials that include international and socially relevant perspectives;

  • involving (international) stakeholders in education design.

2. Providing Education 

  • using a broad repertoire of interactive and active teaching methods that offers all students learning opportunities to acquire the predefined competencies;
  • encouraging students to adopt an active and socially committed study and research attitude;
  • creating a safe and structured learning environment for all students based on a positive attitude towards students;
  • radiating enthusiasm for one's own academic discipline and teaching activities;
  • communicating transparently with students about a course unit’s intended final competencies, approach, planning and assessment requirements.

3. Coaching (Groups of) Students

  • giving students constructive feedback during and after the learning process;
  • encouraging students by drawing on their talents and qualities;
  • adequately tailoring student supervision to their specific needs;
  • referring students with specific problems to the appropriate contact persons or organizations when these problems exceed one’s own counselling options.

4. Assessing students

  • using valid, reliable and transparent assessment (methods) in accordance with the study programme’s, faculty’s and university’s assessment policy;
  • ensuring that all students can demonstrate the acquired competencies in an assessment as much as possible.

5. Optimizing education and lifelong learning

  • critically reflecting on one's own education views, teaching practice and teaching qualities;
  • taking a specific initiatives in terms of  education-related professional development.

6. Taking responsibility at team, programme, faculty, and university level

  • co-ordinating teaching and assessment practice with colleagues at course unit, learning pathway, study programme or faculty level;
  • taking final responsibility for the execution of teaching and assessment assignments by other lecturers in course units of which one is the lecturer-in-charge;
  • helping to shape study programme vision, study programme competencies, curriculum and assessment within the study programme;
  • playing an active role in education policy and quality assurance at programme, faculty or university level;
  • adopting a pioneering role in education innovation at team, programme, faculty or university level.

Want to Know More? 

Consult the sources on which this Education Tip is based:

  • Ghent University policy documents on education policy, assessment policy, education quality assurance and career policy.
  • UK Professional Standards Framework for Teaching and Supporting Learning in Higher Education (2011)
  • Professional Development for University Lecturers. The BKO and Beyond (VSNU, 2018).
  • TIGELAAR, D.E.H., DOLMANS, D.H.J.M., WOLFHAGEN, I.H.A.P. & VAN DER VLEUTEN, C.P.M. (2004). The Development and Validation of a Framework for Teaching Competencies in Higher Education. Higher Education, 48, 253-268.
  • SIMON, E., & PLESCHOVÁ, G. (Eds.). (2012). Teacher Development in Higher Education: Existing Programs, Program Impact, and Future Trends. London: Routledge.

Last modified Jan. 30, 2024, 10:19 a.m.