How to Prepare Students for Work Placement Assessment?

Right from the start of the work placement, make sure to discuss all aspects of the assessment (by whom, what, how and when) with all the people involved. The assessment will be more fair, consistent, objective and substantiated if the following elements are clear from the start:  

  • what are the expectations of all people involved,
  • what information is needed for the final assessment,
  • when can this information be gathered,
  • how can this information be gathered, 
  • who will gather this information, 
  • who will assess this information, 
  • what are the assessment criteria,
  • what is the importance of the different components for the final result. 


The study programme and the lecturer-in-charge determine the assessment procedure. The work placement supervisor holds a key position and communicates the assessment procedure to all people involved (students, work placement mentors, etc.) in a transparent manner. The work placement manual can be a useful instrument for this purpose. 

UGent Practices

Last modified April 1, 2021, 1:22 p.m.