Think Broadly: Dare to Think and Multiperspectivism
Ghent University study programmes train students to think broadly. In addition to their specialised expertise, our students develop a wide range of knowledge, skills, and attitudes that enable empathic collaboration across disciplines. In other words, they can help solve difficult problems in a society that is always changing.
A critical mindset, different perspectives, open-mindedness, pluralism, and tolerance of other opinions are key elements in the study programme’s education practice. Our education vision, multiperspectivism, cannot be achieved without them. In addition, study programmes also invest in other generic competencies that are important to them. The Programme Committee has the authority to choose and incorporate important broad skills into the graduation profile, and to assess them. Study programmes regularly consult their stakeholders to align their vision and objectives. In so doing, they vouchsafe the topicality of all the programme competencies (in Dutch: OLR), including the generic ones.
To promote "broad thinking”, both students and lecturers should engage in exploratory and confrontational (i.e. experiential) learning. This, in turn, calls for a safe learning environment in which reflection and meaningful feedback take centre stage. Developing generic competencies is a gradual process which requires a coherent curriculum with room for (inter)active learning experiences with varying degrees of intensity. The choice of teaching methods (guest speaker, authentic examples, case-based teaching, excursion, simulation, collaborative learning, challenge-based education...) should foster the student’s active participation in their learning process. It makes them aware of their growth and cultivates an attitude of lifelong learning.
In Ghent University’s dynamic education context, our six strategic education objectives are important guiding principles for making choices in the education policy area, both now and in the future. At Ghent University, we continuously benchmark our education (-related ambitions) against these objectives. In so doing, we always deliver state-of-the-art education.
At Ghent University, each study programme is expected to align with and implement our six strategic education objectives. One of these objectives is to “Think Broadly”.
Last modified Aug. 19, 2024, 2:23 p.m.