Stakeholder Participation

At Ghent University, we expect every study programme to reflect on, and pursue an education policy that is an explicit implementation of our six strategic education objectives. One of these objectives is Stakeholder Participation.

We expect our programmes to set up processes and procedures to guarantee structural and formal input by all important stakeholder groups (students, lecturers, alumni and the professional field) in education (policy). Study programmes’ stakeholder policy is in line with policy frameworks at faculty and university level.

The Programme Committee is the appropriate body for shaping the curriculum and making well-considered choices in order to promote and implement stakeholder involvement. It goes without saying that these choices are in line with a study programme’s specific context and individuality.

Below are a few specific examples of stakeholder involvement in education policy and quality assurance.

Student Involvement in the Study Programme 

  • student involvement is an indispensable element in a properly functioning Programme Committee (PC) (the Education and Examination Code stipulates the number of student representatives in PCs to be one-third of the total membership). We recommend student involvement in other advisory bodies as well (e.g. ad-hoc or permanent task forces). Student involvement in education policy, its importance and its possibilities, must be communicated actively (and through various channels) to students. In addition, it is important to inform students clearly about (expectations vis-à-vis) the role of student representative;
  • some study programmes appoint representatives per standard study track year as a single point of contact;
  • we expect study programmes to collect feedback from students in times of curricular reforms;
  • students appreciate the fact that a study programme communicates explicitly about improvement actions that were carried out in response to feedback formulated by the students. This increases students’  willingness to participate in surveys.

Lecturer involvement

An efficient communication flow from the PC to the lecturers/staff involved in the study programme is important. Easy access to PC minutes is a must. Good practices are:

  • sending regular online newsletter/newsflash with updates on education-related themes
  • providing an annual calendar for education activities
  • providing an annual or semi-annual lecturers’ meeting

Lecturer involvement in education (policy) is crucial. Opportunities to keep the theme of education (policy) alive are

  • organizing a programme-specific Education Day (or half a day);
  • organizing professional development initiatives.

Professional Field Involvement

There are various ways to guarantee structural involvement of the professional field in education policy. We expect study programmes to collect feedback from the professional field in the context of quality assurance. Feedback from the professional field is indispensable in curricular reforms. For more information, consult the Education Tip on Embedding the External Perspective

Study programmes can, among other things, undertake the following: 

  • setting up a professional field committee/resonance council;
  • inviting professional field representatives to the PC;
  • inviting one/several professional field representatives to other internal consultation bodies (e.g. Quality Assurance Unit);
  • surveying visiting speakers and/or people from the professional field who are involved in work placements, Master's dissertations (e.g. during a mentor's day, during Master's dissertation defenses etc.);
  • collecting feedback from teaching assistants, work placement mentors;

Social services are another possibility for lecturers to maintain contact with the professional field/practice.

Alumni Involvement 

We expect our study programmes to collect feedback from alumni in the context of quality assurance. Alumni input is indispensable, especially in times of curricular reform (see Embedding the External Perspective)

Alumni can provide important input about a programmes’ strengths and weaknesses in terms of career opportunities. Alumni are often interested in lifelong learning initiatives or further training.

Last modified July 8, 2024, 2:14 p.m.